Delete Assets

Step 1: Navigate to the asset you would like to move. Click and select ‘Delete’.

Step 2: The ‘Delete’ modal will appear. Select the folder you would like to delete the asset from by selecting and click ‘Confirm’.

Step 3 (Optional): To schedule the deletion, select ‘Schedule for Later’ and click ‘Confirm’

Step 4: An email notification will be sent to you when the asset has been deleted.

Delete Multiple Assets from Asset Details, Search, and Folders

Step 1: Navigate to the assets you would like to delete. Click and select ‘Delete Selected’.

Step 2: The ‘Delete’ modal will appear. Select the folder(s) you would like to delete the assets from by selecting . Click to expand the asset list and view which assets are in each folder or click to collapse the asset list .

All assets need to have a which indicates the assets are selected. After the assets are selected, click ‘Confirm’.

Step 3 (Optional): To schedule the deletion, select ‘Schedule for Later’ and click ‘Confirm’

Step 4: An email notification will be sent to you when the assets have been deleted.