Month: April 2019

Create a Cart

Create and manage multiple carts with up to 500 assets per cart. Your default cart, named ‘(Your Name’s) Cart’ cannot be deleted or renamed.


Rename Carts

Your default cart, named ‘(Your Name’s) Cart’ cannot be deleted or renamed.


Delete Carts

Your default cart, named ‘(Your Name’s) Cart’ cannot be deleted or renamed. Only carts you have created can be deleted.


Create an Email Share

Runner determines whether you can share either single or multiple assets based on your user permissions. Begin by navigating to the Asset Detail page and selecting ‘Share’ after clicking the  icon.


Create a Share URL

After uploading assets, users can generate a share URL with specific permissions by selecting the ‘email share’ button in the manage modal. Recipients can preview or download shared assets without logging into Runner.


Create a Protected Share

Protected shares are used to share sensitive content to prevent shares from being forwarded to unintended recipients. The recipient will have to verify themselves in order to access the shared assets.


Forensic Watermarking

Forensic watermarking is a process by which a unique, invisible serial number is added to video content. The watermark is designed to remain with the content, regardless of how it might be transcoded, resized, or otherwise altered for distribution. Forensic watermarking is a permission-based feature.
