Author: Runner Support

Copy Assets

Copying assets determines whether that asset can live in multiple folders. Any metadata that’s modified to one asset will be applied to all linked copies.


Linked Assets

Linked assets are two or more assets grouped together. For example, link a script to a trailer or link multiple video segments together to help users locate associated assets with ease.


Retrieve Assets from Archive

Archived assets are in a different storage solution that need to be retrieved in order to download or share the assets from Runner. The retrieval process takes around 5-6 hours.


Upload Assets

You can upload assets to Runner by two methods: Accelerated Upload or Aspera. Depending on your network connection, this determines which upload method is best for uploading assets to Runner.


Manage Uploaded Assets

While your assets are uploading, the ‘Manage’ modal will appear where you have the option of tagging the assets with metadata, updating the assets’ thumbnail, creating a share, checking the upload status, or viewing the uploaded assets.


Upload with Existing Metadata

The Metadata Template page guides you to select a metadata template with pre-determined required fields that best suit your workflow. Navigate to this page by selecting ‘Add Metadata’ in the ‘Manage’ Modal after uploading.
