Month: December 2019

Title Search – Mobile

Runner’s search engine uses asset metadata to navigate search results based on your search criteria. Searching within folders will all you to search for an asset within a selected folder.

Step 1: Enter your search term in the ‘Title Search’ bar. Assets returned will be displayed based on your search criteria and sorted by relevance.

Step 2: Begin searching for a specific title in the navigation bar. For all search terms please reference this article here.

Asset Status Icons

In Runner, different icons are used to indicate the file type and status of an asset. Please refer to the chart below for the list of asset indicator icons.

Sort Assets – Mobile


Step 1: To organize the view of all assets, select the sort button.

Step 2: The options to sort by ‘Relevance’, ‘Name’, ‘Time’, ‘Title’, ‘Size’, and ‘Upload Date’ are available to select from. i.e. Sorting by ‘Type’ will rearrange assets to organize grouping in asset type. 

Filter Assets – Mobile


Step 1: Enter a search term in the search bar. Assets returned will be displayed based on your search criteria and sorted by relevance. Refine your search results by selecting metadata filters from the filters menu on the top right corner.

Step 2: To collapse a filter category in the filters drawer, select . To expand a filter category, select .

Step 3: To search the expanded filter category, type in the search bar a search term. To search within the expanded filter category, enter a relevant search term in the search bar. We implemented a typeahead search, so if you type ‘p’ Runner will automatically display search results beginning with the letter ‘p’. 

Step 4: The selected filters will display in the filters menu after tapping the back arrow. Then selecting ‘Apply’ will allow your search results page to load with new search results.

Email Share – Mobile

Runner determines whether you can share either single or multiple assets based on your user permissions. Begin by navigating to the Asset Detail page and selecting the icon.
